Let’s talk about the benefits of advertising on streamed TV. Before we start we need to acknowledge traditional television.
TV advertising is one of the most trusted and effective advertising channels available. This is something that is sometimes forgotten in a world where digital marketing takes up so much of the conversation. There’s very little debate when it comes to the stats, TV advertising performs really well. Yet since the rise of digital marketing TV often gets overlooked in favour of the targetability and reporting capabilities of a digital campaign. But before we get started, lets remember that TV outperforms, digital, and other forms of tradition al media such as print, radio and out of home.
So what does it mean to advertise on streamed TV? Essentially, it’s TV advertising but with digital capabilities. Let’s be clear, the impact of streamed TV is different to traditional linear TV but there are some shared benefits. Traditional TV advertising gets more attention and offers massive audiences with a much lower CPM than digital. Linear is great at driving response. Streamed TV is more targeted in approach.
Digital Comparisons
As mentioned above the success of TV advertising comes from the impact it is able to achieve at scale. When it comes to targeting a specific group of people, streamed TV comes into its own.
There are the obvious targeting capabilities such as age, gender, geography etc. However, there are so many more detailed options available, from household spend, interests, hobbies, types of holidays taken to the audiences preferred supermarket and the newspapers that they read.
This offers advertisers the gravitas of advertising on TV but to smaller audiences and with a lower spend. For example, PPC is extremely competitive in the travel industry but instead of thinly stretching an AdWords budget, a small holiday firm can use streamed TV to reach audiences that spend their money on specific holidays such as city beaks or cultural tours. The advertiser can choose to target audiences either because they regularly spend on that type of holiday or because they typically spend heavily on holidays or international travel.
Value Exchange
Of course there are other ways to run a video marketing campaign so why use TV as the platform? One of the reasons is because TV advertising is less intrusive and that’s true of both traditional and streamed television. Other platforms such as YouTube or social media channels like Instagram have a higher ad to content ration, meaning that it can feel like the adverts are being served at an increasingly high regularity. With TV there is a greater value exchange – audiences get much more of the content that they tuned into see before being served an ad.
TV delivers well made, considered content that holds people’s attention. Whereas a lot of other digital and social channels reward users for their lack of attention, constantly encouraging people to swipe or scroll. When an advert appears during a TV show, it’s appearing to person paying attention to the screen.
In addition to paying attention to the well crafted TV shows, audiences pay more attention to TV ads. Because they’re already in concentration mode but also because the ad can’t be skipped the audience pay attention to the messaging instead of searching for the cross or sip now button.
The points made above about the attention and the value exchange or already paint a picture of TV being a trusted medium but it goes further. TV is a regulated industry, both the programming and the adverts have to adhere to higher ethical standards than other platforms, which breads trust.
Streaming has a lower entry point than traditional broadcast TV. Traditional television has an incredibly low CPM and if you’re clever with your targeting, using regional TV, you’ll probably be surprised that the cost isn’t as high as you thought.
Having said that, if you’re working with smaller budgets, there isn’t a minimum buy in when it comes to streaming so advertisers can start small and scale up.
How to find out more about advertising on streamed TV
The reality is that streamed TV is another string to the marketer’s bow. Traditional TV, out of home, digital and all of the other marketing channels available form part of the broad suite of marketing options available. The question is, which one is right?
Different approaches will work for different brands and businesses but first things first, you need to understand how streamed ads work, the targeting options and the ways to use them to your advantage. We can help to explain this in more detail, so get in touch and we can talk you through how to get the most out of TV streaming.