
With the rise of new technologies came the debate about the relevance of advertising on TV. Times have changed and TV ads have a different value now but the key word there is value. There is still value to be gained from TV advertising.


Any business that wants to increase awareness or to drive response can benefit from the large audiences found watching TV. Here are seven reasons why TV advertising is still a good idea.


1. TV reaches a large audience

Television reaches a larger audience than other traditional media such as print or radio. And that’s an audience that spans age groups. Yes, TV is a great way to reach boomers but it is also has high audience figures across the age categories that includes Gen Z


2. TV is a trusted medium

TV content is well produced, regulated and trustworthy. There’s less risk of being associated with questionable content when advertising on television.


3. Effective messaging

TV combines colour sound and visuals which all combine to grab more attention for your advertising message and improving audience ad recall.


4. TV is influential

60% of people watching a TV ad are more likely to make a purchase compared to 40% of those influenced by social media ads.


5. People concentrate on TV ads

Unlike other forms of video advertising people concentrate on TV ads for longer. The audience’s active attention is considerably longer for TV than other platforms such as YouTube or Instagram.


6. Screen sizes

TV is one of the largest screens to display your ads but going beyond the television set, a TV advertiser owns the space. With many other video ad platforms, the message is only displayed on part of the screen, which means the audience attention is in competition with other on-screen content, with TV your add is displayed full screen.


7. Guaranteed Audience

With TV you get what you pay for. When advertising on TV you are guaranteed an audience size. So when you commit to reaching one million viewings, you really do reach one million viewings.



If you’d like to find out how TV could work for you, email call 0117 932 3001